Calling all CIPP members working with the Construction Industry Scheme
18 July 2014
HMRC have published a consultation document aimed at bringing improvements to the operation of the Construction Industry Scheme (CIS).
The Policy Team are in the process of creating a survey to gather the views, opinions and experiences of affected CIPP members.
We recognise that not all CIPP members work with this specialised tax deduction scheme and so, in the meantime, would very much like to hear directly from any CIPP members who currently work with the CIS scheme and who would be interested in being involved with a Policy Think Tank round table Forum to discuss the issues and proposals raised within the consultation paper.
Briefly the consultation paper is looking at:
· Gross payment status - proposals to simplify and improve the compliance and turnover tests which will enable a greater number of subcontractors to access gross payment status.
· Improve the digital offering for subcontractors which looks to give instant visibility of payments.
· A package of improvements to the CIS online system such as:
o An upgrade to CIS online processes
o Mandate online monthly filing of CIS returns
o Introduce an online appeals process for CIS penalties
o Introduce an online digital account for all sub contractors.
· Improve the verification process
The consultation paper can be found here.
If you work with the CIS and would therefore be affected by any of the
proposals in this consultation paper please contact Samantha Mann Senior Policy & Research Officer and Advisory Service Manager at [email protected] if you would be interested in attending a round table Think Tank Forum on this specialist tax deduction scheme.