CIPP response to the HMRC consultation on Direct Recovery of Debt

26 July 2014

The CIPP has now submitted its response to HMRC's consultation on the Direct Recovery of Debt. We have compiled this response based on member response to a CIPP survey, along with anecdotal evidence received during the consultation period.

Whilst many respondents agreed with the principle of addressing those debtors who can pay but refuse to pay, concerns over HMRC attitudes and processes seemed to outweigh any concerns of fair play. Much depends on the stringency and application of the safeguards along with HMRC's willingness to accept that an amount is in dispute. With reconciliation of payments against liabilities still causing problems for many PAYE taxpayers, this must be addressed as there is widespread scepticism that HMRC is still not in a position to implement this proposal for PAYE taxpayers until this fundamental issue is resolved.

Click here to view the full consultation response