Employment and Payroll Group minutes published

26 July 2016

The minutes from the Employment and Payroll Group (EPG) meeting held in June 2016 have now been published on GOV.UK.

Topics under discussion at the meeting included:

  • Apprenticeship Levy
  • Digital Developments
  • Restructuring NICs
  • Canvassing views of employers re NINO Confirmation

The minutes can be accessed through this link Employment and Payroll Group as can minutes of previous meetings.

Employment and Payroll Group

The Employment and Payroll Group replaced the Employment Consultation Forum in December 2014. The EPG is HMRC’s principal forum for HMRC, and other government departments, to engage with the employment and payroll community. It focuses on high-level operational policy and process issues. It provides a forum through which members can raise and discuss issues or problems in administering payroll obligations or in relation to employment tax issues more generally.

The next EPG meeting is scheduled for 7 September 2016. If you have any agenda items, or any issues you would like us to raise on your behalf, please email policy with the details.