Mileage Allowance Payments survey - Are they enough?

20 July 2022

Considering the sharp increases to petrol and diesel prices in the UK, the CIPP intends to approach Her Majesty's (HM) Treasury and Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs (HMRC) to ask them to review the mileage allowance 'approved rates'. These rates have remained the same for more than ten years. However, the average price of petrol has increased significantly over that period.

Therefore, the CIPP is conducting this short survey to gain more quantitative data on the matter. This will explore whether businesses regularly pay above the current rates, whether they would pay more if the rate was higher and the administrative burden of paying over the current rates.

Please feel free to share with your networks/members/colleagues, the more responses we get, the better:

The survey will run until 5 August and will only take a couple of miutes to complete. This is your chance to have your say.

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