16 February 2024

According to emails received by agents, HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) are ramping up National Minimum Wage (NMW) compliance again by geographical area.

They will be in the Liverpool area reaching out to employers in all sectors and also reaching out to workers with a route to complain about unpaid NMW. A single complaint from a worker or ex-worker may prompt an NMW investigation across an entire business.

They will also be revisiting some business who have previously faced a review to ensure correct actions are being taken on any advisories.

HMRC seem to be be focusing on “salaried working populations and the ‘excess hours’ risk” with this round of action.

Any breaches found as part of an investigation will come with 200% penalties and public naming and shaming. However, any issues found and put right outside of an investigation come with no obligation to disclose, no penalties and no threat of public naming.

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