Northern Ireland: NHS to receive pay increase

12 December 2022

National Health Service (NHS) staff in Northern Ireland will be receiving a pay rise in 2022/23, this has been confirmed by The Department of Health. Most health staff will be awarded at least a minimum of £1,400 per annum in pay, while salaried doctors and dentists have been awarded a 4.5 per cent increase. The workers are set to receive these uplifts by the end of this year, with both changes being backdated to 1 April 2022.

Recommendations from The NHS Pay Review Body (NHSPRB) have been executed in full by the Department of Health. A departmental representative said: “The Department shares the frustration of all our HSC colleagues in the delays in implementing the pay recommendations for 2022/23. While the former Minister had accepted the recommendations in full, the lack of a public sector pay policy and budgetary uncertainty prevented any further progress. These hurdles have now been cleared for this year and the department will now move to implement these pay awards as a matter of urgency to ensure colleagues see their pay increase as soon as possible.”

Application of the pay award, for Agenda for Change staff, will ensure maintenance of pay uniformity with colleagues in England. Departments are now able to make awards, but some are more advanced in the process than others. However, decisions are awaited on other public sector employees. 

The NHS Pay Review Body covers Agenda for Change staff and the Doctors’ and Dentists’ Review Body which covers salaried doctors and dentists. You can read more on the NHSPRB and its role on the GOV.UK site.

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