Payrollers experiences of COVID-19 - CIPP's Survey

02 July 2020

Everyone has an experience to share about life during lock down - personal, professional, health, happiness, and horrors - the CIPP Policy and Research team want to hear yours.

There is a pre-conception by many that processing pay, pensions and reward, simply requires the pressing of a button. However, we know already that many of those misconceptions have dramatically changed already due to the impact of COVID-19.

Recognised as key workers, the payroll profession, across all sectors and in all service lines, have successfully overcome many difficulties to keep the UK workforce paid, during the coronavirus pandemic.

Many payroll teams are now working remotely and are facing a daily juggle to comply with the latest legislative changes, as well as ensuring that ‘business as usual’ tasks and processes continue. What would normally be classed as standard tasks, such as entering a new employee onto a system, for many, have required significant changes to procedures. But we know those changes have occurred and have resulted in the continued successful delivery or normal service during anything but normal circumstances.

This week we ran virtual roundtables to discuss how our members have adapted to the changes caused by COVID-19 and the impact it had not just on how they operated payrolls, but on their mental health and personal lives.

To accompany this feedback, we have created a survey, highlighting areas of interest in the hope of gaining even more insight into how payroll professionals have been affected by COVID-19.

The results of this survey along with feedback from virtual roundtables held and direct feedback from our members, will be published and shared by the team within the Coronavirus hub and we plan coverage in Professional in Payroll, Pensions and Reward.

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