Public Sector exit payment consultation opened

10 August 2022

HM Treasury has released an open consultation titled: Public Sector Exit Payments: a new controls process for high exit payments.

HM Treasury are seeking views on proposed guidance and processes dictating additional reporting for two exit payment processes. The first would be a new process for exit payments totalling over £95,000 in central government; the relevant secretary of state would be required to approve before any exit payment is agreed. The second would see the current system modified to require approval for special severance payments. An exit can require both processes and approvals if necessary.

The approval process will be conducted by an accounting officer prior to processing by payroll in the usual way.

The consultation asks 14 questions regarding the proposals. Seeking views on the guidance, proposals, thresholds and impacts not considered. The consultation will run until 17 October 2022.

The CIPP policy team welcome any views that can be passed on to HM Treasury in response to this consultation – [email protected].

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