Quick Poll results: 52% confirm that they have had to adapt their processes to ensure compliance with the CJRS and record checking due to the eligibility for the Job Retention Bonus

09 September 2020

In the final of a trilogy of questions on the topic of the Job Retention Bonus, the CIPP’s Policy and Research team launched a Quick Poll which asked if payroll teams have had to amend their processes in order to ensure compliance with the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS), and to confirm that their employee records are up-to-date, as accuracy is key when considering eligiblity for the Job Retention Bonus.

Gov.UK guidance on the Job Retention Bonus clearly states:

“Employers should ensure that their employee records are up-to-date, including accurately reporting their employee’s details and wages on the Full Payment Submission (FPS) through the Real Time Information (RTI) reporting system. Employers should also make sure all of their Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme claims have been accurately submitted and any necessary amendments have been notified to HMRC.”

The question on the News Online page asked:

“Have you had to change your processes to ensure full compliance with the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme and record checking due to the eligibility criteria for the Job Retention Bonus?”

Yes: 52%

No: 48%

Whilst there isn’t a massive difference in the response rates, the majority of respondents have confirmed that they did indeed have to change their processes. This suggests that many of those who have claimed under the CJRS may have submitted erroneous claims and / or that they have needed to check all of their employee records in order to guarantee that all information is accurate and up to date. For those who have not needed to alter their processes, they will have had to guarantee that they had robust audit and checking processes in place, to prevent the withholding of bonus payments, or the need to repay any CJRS overclaims.

The Job Retention Bonus will be payable to eligible businesses who bring furloughed staff back to the office, from November 2020 until January 2021, and pay an average of £520 per month.


The information in this article is accurate at the time of publication. For all the latest information, news and resources on how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting payroll professions, visit our Coronavirus hub.