20 February 2024

The results of the last Quick Poll are in, and you have been flooding us with comments on whether RTI is fit for for purpose.

57% of respondents said yes, they do think it is fit for purpose.

30% of respondents said no.

And 13% were unsure.

Respondents of all these groups provided further feedback, with some key themes emerging in these comments. One of the main themes was that RTI is generally well implemented but has issues when needing to adjust or rectify past data. Another concern raised a number of times is the interactions with Universal credit and complication that can arise because of it.

The CIPP will be analysing the comments further and liaising with HMRC to raise these points of issue with our members and the wider payroll community.

Thank you to everyone who responded, your opinion is invaluable and, in this case, has provided some key data to provide to HMRC with regards to RTI and data management.

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