Real time information updates from HMRC

17 March 2014

There have recently been several updates in relation to RTI so to follow is a reminder and some further updates.

‘What’s New’ messages

Reconciling PAYE charges

Sets out the steps employers can take to eliminate some of the most common errors in reconciling their PAYE charge records with HMRC's.

Incorrect Mergers

Issue with HMRC’s system where if an employee had two or more employments with the same employer had resulted in some employments being merged in error.

Employers not reporting PAYE in real time must act now to avoid penalties

HMRC is emailing employers who haven't started reporting PAYE in real time, to warn about penalties at the end of 2013-14. HMRC will update their Genuine HMRC contacts Internet page to include a reference to these emails.

Updates to internet guidance

Information you must get right when running your payroll – which now contains detailed guidance on duplicate employments and how to avoid them.

Software packages and other payroll options & Preparing to operate PAYE in real time – which both now include a new section Changing payroll software.

What happens if you don't report payroll information on time – which has been updated to show the staggered start for the introduction of in-year penalties.

PAYE for employers: help for preparing for 2014-15

Two helpsheets are also due to be published in ‘What’s New’ this week which are aimed at helping employers prepare for April 2014 and the changes they will see from 6 April 2014. We will publish the links to these helpsheets shortly.