31 October 2023

1 November is Stress Awareness Day, it is time to reflect and make sure you recognise the sings of stress, both in yourself and others.

Acas provides a range of tools and resources for employers to use in their stress at work toolkit.

For day-to-day use, the advice page has a tonne of useful information, links and resources for anyone to use. Take the stigma out of mental health and stress awareness and spread these tools around your organisations, stress can affect anyone and learning to spot it can be a huge benefit to everyone around you.

Acas’s Head of Mental Health and Wellbeing, Francoise Woolley and Policy Lead for Work-Related Stress and Mental Health at HSE, Rob McGreal have a conversation on workplace stress, providing key tips on how businesses can best support those going through it. Click here to listen: www.acas.org.uk/podcast/work-related-stress-lifting-the-pressure-at-work

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