24 January 2024

The Low Pay Commission (LPC) wants to meet workers and businesses across the UK to discuss how the National Minimum Wage (NMW) and National Living Wage (NLW) rates affect you.

The LPC makes recommendations to government for the new rates each year, but also conducts comprehensive research on the effects of such changes as well as enforcement and compliance study. To provide this advice and gather evidence they must speak to those it affects.

With regards to businesses, they want to know:

  • how businesses have responded to the rising NLW and NMW
  • the other factors – whether local or national, sector-specific or more general – which affect businesses alongside the minimum wage
  • compliance and enforcement of the NMW and NLW
  • how businesses are raising their productivity. 

The regional visits will take place in the following places and dates:



20-21 March

Isle of Wight/ Southampton/ Portsmouth

17-18 April


15-16 May

Cardiff/ Newport

12-13 June 

North Ayrshire and Glasgow

3-4 July 


31 July- 1 August

Coventry/ Wolverhampton

If you wish to participate, and meet the LPC commissioners, you can get in touch with by emailing [email protected] or call 07511 162380.

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