Use the government's tool to know your UK residence status every tax year.

05 July 2022

A worker's UK residence status determines whether they need to pay UK tax on foreign income. UK residents will normally need to pay tax, whereas non-residents are not obliged to pay any tax in the UK for earnings received overseas.

The government website has a tool which helps workers determine their UK residence status. There are also some general guidelines below.

A worker is automatically classed as a UK resident if:

  • They spend 183 days or more in the UK in the tax year

  • Their only home is in the UK, they live there for at least 30 days in the tax year and it is available to use for at least 91 days

  • They work full-time in the UK for any whole year and at least one day of that period falls in the tax year

A worker is automatically classed as an overseas worker if:

  • They spend less than 16 days in the UK, or less than 46 days if they have not been classed as UK resident in the previous three tax years

  • They work abroad full-time, spent fewer than 91 days in the UK, and worked for no more than 30 of those days

More detailed guidance on UK residence status can be found here.

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