The UK and Switzerland sign a Services Mobility Agreement

14 December 2020

It has been confirmed that the UK and Switzerland have signed a deal on services, which will provide continuity for UK businesses, professionals, and other service providers to continue to work freely in Switzerland for up to a maximum of 90 days per year.

Under the Services Mobility Agreement (SMA), UK professionals will continue to be able to work in Switzerland for up to 90 days without the requirement for a work permit. Additionally, Swiss professionals will be able to deliver contracts in the UK in skilled sectors through the Tier 5 International Agreement visa. The agreement will last for a duration of two years and could potentially be extended should both the UK and Switzerland agree.

Data shows that in 2019, UK residents made 383,000 business visits to Switzerland and similarly, Swiss residents made 229,000 business visits to the UK. Direct spending associated with those business visits reached £280 million that year.


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