Updates to the CEST Tool landing page

06 May 2021

The changes made relate to the legislative changes to the off-payroll working rules, which were effective from 6 April 2021. HMRC has confirmed that the CEST tool itself has not been amended, and the underlying logic of the tool remains unchanged.

There is a link to HMRC’s CEST aggregate data, which provides details of the usage of the tool following the launch of the enhanced version, that was made available in November 2019.

The amendments to the landing page were made as a direct result of customer feedback, which suggested that further content needed to be added to streamline the user journey, and that there needed to be clearer signposts to existing guidance.

CIPP comment

The CIPP attends meetings held by the Off-Payroll Working Programme, so if you have any feedback or comments on the new style of the landing page for the CEST tool,  or any wider comments about the off-payroll working reforms, then please contact the Policy team, at [email protected].

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