22 May 2023

Thank you to all those who answered our previous quick poll.

The results were as follows:


Responses %

Below 88%


88% - 89%


90% - 91%


92% - 93%


94% - 95%


96% - 97%


98% - 99%






From the poll results it is apparent that the majority of the audience had a target of 98 - 99% for payroll accuracy. This is not only commendable, but also anticipated when in the ‘payroll world’ due to the work involved. However those that selected the option ‘Other’, stated that there was no agreed level or they did not have key performance indicators (KPIs). An accuracy level of 100% came in second position with 29%. Many shared their accuracy levels sat close to 100%, which was ranging from 99.9 - 99.5%, after all there is a famous saying of ‘perfection is impossible, but you don't stop aiming for it’.

Continuous improvement is better than delayed perfection and in payroll we surely strive for 100% accuracy. However there can be an element of complexity, with external and internal factors also effecting performances. With KPIs, an organisation can successively analyse and review progress towards a more cost-effective, accurate and efficient payroll system.

Your input really is appreciated, please keep taking part in our Quick Polls and continue to have your say. 

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