Automatic enrolment - new employers and start up businesses
23 March 2018
Are your clients thinking of employing their first member of staff? Make sure they know what their automatic enrolment duties are.
The Pensions Regulator continually reviews and updates the information on their website to help your clients understand what they need to do to meet their legal duties and by when.
New employers will have a number of things they’ll need to think about – such as deciding how much to pay their staff, drawing up a contract of employment and taking out employer indemnity insurance. Automatic enrolment – where you’ll need to put certain staff into workplace pensions and pay contributions into the scheme – is just one of the legal duties your clients need to meet as an employer.
Nominating a contact with The Pensions Regulator
Research by The Pensions Regulator indicates that employers who nominate a contact are more likely to comply with their duties and less likely to be fined. Nominating a contact also means that The Pension Regulator can write to your clients with helpful automatic enrolment reminders.
It’s crucial that your clients nominate their contact without delay.