CIPP Survey: Good Work Plan: Proposals to support families
19 November 2019
There is still time to have your say on the CIPP survey which looks at parental leave and pay. This survey runs until 22 November 2019 and your responses could potentially shape future policy on the area so do not miss your chance to make your opinions heard!
The government currently has a flexible and generous range of policies relating to the area of parental leave and pay, but it has been noted that there should be more consistency between the treatment of mothers and fathers in contemporary society. This is to allow both men and women to bond with their children and to try to tackle some of the wider issues observed within businesses today, such as the gender pay gap and to balance the gender division of parental leave.
The survey looks at how paternity pay could be adjusted and aligned with other parental pay policies but also visits further flexibility and how employers can accommodate employees with families and ensure they give them the best tools to succeed in balancing work and family life.
CIPP comment
The survey closes on 22 November 2019 and should take around 25 minutes to complete. The closing date is fast approaching so do not miss the opportunity to make your mark on the future of parental leave and pay. Your responses are crucial in moulding policies and all feedback is greatly appreciated.
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