CIPP Survey - Tackling abuse within the Construction Industry - Final reminder

06 July 2020

A final reminder to readers that the survey in relation to HMRC's consultation on tackling abuse within the construction industry is live and will be closing on 17 July 2020.

Do you operate CIS suffered via your payroll? If so, are you aware of the changes that will be implemented from April 2021?

From 6 April 2021, HMRC will have the power to amend an Employer Payment Summery (EPS) whereby they believe the deductions for CIS suffered are false or incorrect.

The survey asks your opinion on how this would affect you, including the timescales and evidence required posed by HMRC.

A virtual roundtable, hosted by the CIPP’s Policy and Research team and attended by CIPP members as well as representatives from HMRC, discussed the key topics surrounding the change, including the timeframe proposed to make corrections and the details over how sub-contractors would be advised of suspected false/incorrect submitted information.

The results of this survey and feedback from the roundtable will feed into the CIPP’s formal response to HMRC’s consultation on Tackling Abuse within the Construction industry.

Information provided in this news article may be subject to change. Please make note of the date of publication to ensure that you are viewing up to date information.