CIPP webcast: Coronavirus support measures

03 April 2020

In order to keep our members informed of recently announced measures to support employers, employees and the self-employed through the outbreak of Coronavirus, the CIPP has produced a webcast that surmises some of the key points for payroll professionals to familiarise themselves with.

The webcast discusses temporary amendments to Statutory Sick Pay (SSP), the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme and the Self-employment Income Support Scheme. An overview of some of the other policies affected by the outbreak of coronavirus is also included, as this will impact the work that payrollers carry out.

You can listen to the webcast here.

As the situation with coronavirus is continually changing, so does the guidance, so be sure to keep checking the CIPP’s News Online pages to ensure that you have the very latest information.


Information provided in this news article may be subject to change. Please make note of the date of publication to ensure that you are viewing up to date information.