Government campaign launched to ensure workers receive the correct holiday pay
03 March 2020
The government has launched a new campaign to remind workers of their entitlement to paid holiday leave and to prompt employers to check that their staff are taking that leave.
Regardless of whether a person works part-time, works shifts or works irregular hours, they have a legal entitlement to paid time off for every hour that they work. Research has highlighted the fact that workers are missing out on approximately £1.8 billion a year in unpaid holiday leave.
Business Minister, Paul Scully said:
“We want Britain to be the best place in the world to work, and all workers, regardless of the hours they do, should receive the paid time off they are entitled to.
Entitlement to paid annual leave from day one in a job is just one of many measures the government has in place to ensure we can all balance work with our personal lives.”
Those most at risk of missing out on pay are those with atypical working patterns, such as agency workers and temporary staff, along with part-time workers and those that do shift work.
The purpose of the campaign is to highlight the importance of both employers and employees being aware of the entitlements and ensuring that companies fully understand how holiday pay is calculated correctly to ensure that workers receive the right amount.
There is advice on holiday pay on GOV.UK, which will assist employers when calculating what an employee is owed. The way holiday pay will be calculated is changing from April 2020, and the 12 week reference period is due to be increased to 52 weeks.
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