HMRC’s Customer Charter

26 July 2021

HMRC outlines what its customers can expect from HMRC, and similarly what HMRC expects from its customers in the HMRC Customer Charter.

Payroll professionals may not be aware of the Charter’s existence but should familiarise themselves with it as it defines the service and standard of behaviour that should be expected when communicating with HMRC. There are additional principles of support for customers who require extra help.

HMRC’s senior leaders discuss the Charter in a YouTube video.

HMRC’s main aim is to collect tax that is spent on the UK’s public services. In addition to this, it should help its customers in meeting their tax responsibilities, whilst also ensuring that they receive any benefits, tax credits, refunds, or other support they are eligible for. There is a reminder that firm action will be taken against the minority who act illegally.

The standards of the Charter are as follows:

•    Getting things right
•    Making things easy
•    Being responsive
•    Treating customers fairly
•    Being aware of an individual’s personal situation
•    Recognising that someone can represent a customer
•    Keeping customer data secure

The Charter discusses mutual respect, and states that HMRC employees should not be subject to threats, intimidation, or harassment, and where this does happen, appropriate action will be taken.

Where an individual is not satisfied with the level of service they have received, and they feel it does not match the standards of the Charter, they are able to make a complaint. The Charter should be referenced in the complaint, along with the elements of the Charter that the individual feels that HMRC has not met. 

An annual report is produced which discusses HMRC’s performance against the Charter, providing details about progress and outlining priorities for future improvement.

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