02 August 2023

HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) has provided an update on a query from the policy team, regarding P11D portal issues some users experienced on 6 July 2023.

HMRC has confirmed on 6 July 2023, no issues were made aware of with the online service. However, the Penalty Warning Letter (PWL) scan to identify late submissions took place on the 20 July 2023. If HMRC had been made aware of any issues before this date, steps to prevent PWL’s from being issued would have been taken. The PWL will advise customers of an outstanding return and that they may be in a penalty position.

HMRC has specified that if customers are still yet to make submissions, they should do so as soon as possible to avoid further potential penalties. If they do receive a penalty, the letter will contain information on how to appeal. 

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