Planning BACS payments around bank holidays

26 May 2021

As 31 May 2021 is a bank holiday, companies need to ensure that they are aware of the processes and procedures that need to be followed for their BACS payment file submissions.

There are payment non-processing times relating to the bank holiday and it is essential for businesses to prepare for non-processing days in order to guarantee that payments are received on time.

Payments that are scheduled to debit or credit on the first working day after the bank holiday on 31 May 2021 must be submitted by no later than 27 May 2021.

Businesses are reminded that it is good practice to check that payment files have been successful of the day of each submission, and reports are available on the Payment Services Website or on any BACS approved software. They can confirm whether payment files have been successfully submitted, and alert businesses to any errors.

Bureaus should check their bureau confirmation, as well as checking the BACS Input Report. Payments that are due to be made in the future can be submitted up to a maximum of 30 days in advance.

A processing calendar is available which highlights payment dates for 2021.


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