Quick Poll results: which of the growth plan announcements will have the largest impact on payroll professionals?

11 October 2022

Thank you to all those who answered our quick poll over the past couple of weeks.

This quick poll asked: What announcement from the Growth Plan will have the biggest impact on your payroll team?

The results were as follows:


result (%)

Reversal to increase of NI rates from 6 November


Basic rate of tax reduced to 19%


Repeal of 2017 and 2021 IR35 reforms


Introduction of Investment Zones (NI implications)


Cancellation of ringfenced H&SC levy in 2023-24


Abolition of additional rate of tax


It seems that with the third change to National Insurance of the year coming in November, this is the main area of concern. With the reduction in the basic rate of tax and IR35 reforms coming in behind.

The abolition of the additional rate of tax has been included here for completeness, however, it was removed following the news that this policy would be U-turned.

Your input really is appreciated, please keep an eye out for our next Quick Poll so you can continue to have your say.

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