Quick poll on public sector exit payments cap

31 July 2017

In a recent news item 'public sector exit payments cap' we clarified the current position on public sector exit payments being capped at £95,000. This raised a question around the government’s expectations and what the relevant departments have actually done.


In September 2016 the government published their response to the consultation on ‘reforms to public sector exit payments’. The response outlined the government’s expectations that departments should begin work to produce proposals for reform for each workforce by the end of 2016.

The major workforces covered by existing statutory compensation schemes and other contractual exit arrangements were expected to begin reforms immediately. These are the: Civil Service, NHS, Local Government, teachers, police, firefighters and armed forces.

The government’s expectation is that the necessary changes be made to compensation schemes and other arrangements within nine months of the publication of their consultation response. That brings us to June 2017. Bearing in mind that this is not a legislative requirement, have all relevant departments actually had these discussions and agreed to implement the necessary changes?

If this applies to you please take a moment to answer our latest poll which is situated to the right of this, and every CIPP news item.