The Royal Mencap Society challenge on sleep-ins begins

21 March 2018

ITV News has reported on the start of an appeal that sees the Royal Society of Mencap and Others defend against payments made for sleep-in and on-call shifts that have been ruled in employment tribunals as failing to pay the Minimum wage. The hearing was expected to continue on for one further day and a ruling was expected, but not immediately.

Derek Lewis, chairman of Royal Mencap Society has said: “Sleep-ins are widely used in the learning disability sector to provide care for some of our most vulnerable adults, in their own homes in the communities they live in.”

“The carer is only there ‘just in case’ to provide safety and reassurance and is rarely disturbed.  Recent research which looked at the last three years showed that 99.7% of carers slept peacefully.”

Further and focusing on the impact on Royal Mencap Society staff, CEO Jan Tregelles emphasised: “that this was so not a question of an employer not wanting to increase employee pay.”

CIPP comment:

A limited number of spaces still exist for you to book on to the London half-day briefing on minimum wages on 28 March (9:00-13:00) where you can join the CIPP, IES and Eversheds-Sutherland. Areas covered include consequences of a trebling in minimum wage jobs, increasing enforcement, current issues and reviewing your employment and reward models.

To book your place, go to Eversheds-Sutherland.