Employer Bulletin - edition 86

15 October 2020

This edition includes an update on a range of topics aimed at providing employers and their advisors with timely information that is current and also highlights subject on the horizon.

Home working expenses continues to be a topical subject and the Bulletin spotlights the link to the online claim tool. The tool will enable the employee to claim the £6 per week tax relief in the event their employer has chosen not to reimburse them for additional costs incurred due to having to work from home.

Further tax reliefs that are available due to incurring work related expenses can also be claimed using the online tool.

Off-payroll working reforms will continue from April 2021 and HMRC have taken the opportunity in this edition to provide details of their package of support measures that were launched from the start of October and are due to run throughout until April 2021.

If you engage the personal services of contractors who work through an intermediary and are a non-public sector medium or large engager these reforms will impact you. Start to prepare now

For full details of all topics covered please download the Employer Bulletin from gov.uk.

Information provided in this news article may be subject to change. Please make note of the date of publication to ensure that you are viewing up to date information.