Independent research by HMRC

10 August 2018

Telephone survey of partnerships and corporate bodies - During August and September 2018, independent research agency Ipsos MORI will contact businesses by telephone to carry out a survey for HMRC.

The research agency will contact a random sample of partnerships and incorporated bodies. The research will help HMRC to find out businesses’ understanding of legislation relating to their tax governance.

Participation in the survey is voluntary and anonymous.


Other HMRC research projects currently taking place include:

Customer survey of individuals, small businesses and agents - Between August and November 2018, HMRC will work with independent research agency Kantar Public. The agency will contact:

  • individuals aged 16 and over
  • businesses with fewer than 20 employees
  • tax agents

This research will enable HMRC to understand the views of these groups and help improve service quality. The survey will not ask customers to provide any personal details such as their bank account information or National Insurance number.


Letters to households - From August 2018 Kantar Public and HMRC will send a joint letter to a sample of customers. This will display the logos of both organisations, inviting them to take part in an online survey. The letters will include a link to the survey, together with reference numbers and tokens to allow up to 3 household members to take part.

The letters will also include a phone number and email address for Kantar Public, so that customers can contact them if they want further information about the research project.


Letters and telephone calls to businesses and tax agents - Kantar Public will also send a joint letter to a sample of businesses and tax agents. This will display the logos of both organisations, informing them that they may be invited to take part in a telephone survey.

The letters will show contact details for Kantar Public, including a phone number and email address. Customers can contact them if they want further information about the research project or would like to opt out from taking part.


Benefits in kind research: a survey of employees (second phase) - During August and September 2018, HMRC will be working with IFF Research, an independent research agency, to carry out the second phase of a research project. This will involve taking a survey of employees to find out about the types of benefits in kind they may get through their employment.

IFF Research and HMRC will send a joint letter in July 2018 to a sample of customers, displaying the logos of both organisations, inviting them to take part in the research.


For further information HMRC keep their web pages updated with a current list of digital and other contact issued.