Taking stock with the Mid-life MOT

06 September 2019

As well as launching their own Mid-life MOT site, the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has worked with Business in the Community (BiTC) on a guide for SMEs, showing how they can facilitate mid-life MOTs for their staff.


The mid-life MOT is a review that enables employees in their 40s, 50s and 60s to assess their health, skills and finances, so they can better prepare and plan for the future they want.


For employers, mid-life MOTs help retain older employees, keeping crucial knowledge and skills within the organisation.


This guide for SMEs has been designed with small and medium-sized businesses in mind and sets out how a mid-life MOT can help both employees and employers, and where to go for advice and support.


Providing advice and support at this point is important. Juggling work/life balance, planning future finances and considering career and learning opportunities in mid-life can be difficult. Once people reach 50, they are more likely to fall out of the workforce altogether, putting them at greater risk of poverty in retirement.


DWP - Mid-life MOT site

DWP and BiTC - a guide for SMEs



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