Tesco faces Britain's largest ever equal pay claim

09 February 2018

Thousands of women who work in Tesco stores could receive back pay totalling £20,000 if the legal challenge demanding parity with men who work in the company's warehouses is successful.

According to a BBC News report, Tesco is facing Britain's largest ever equal pay claim and a possible bill running to £4bn. Reportedly lawyers say hourly-paid female store staff earn less than men even though the value of the work is comparable.

Paula Lee, of Leigh Day solicitors told the BBC it was time for Tesco to tackle the problem of equal pay for work of equal worth. Her firm has apparently been contacted by more than 1,000 Tesco staff and will shortly take the initial legal steps for 100 of them. The most common rate for women is £8 an hour whereas for men the hourly rate can be as high as £11 an hour, she added.

Tesco said it worked hard to ensure all staff were paid "fairly and equally".

Read more from BBC News.